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Adam and Eve The Bible Story

Updated on January 10, 2016
Adam and Eve in the Garden
Adam and Eve in the Garden | Source

Could Things Have Been Different?

Eve woke to a beautiful morning with the birds singing, the bees buzzing and the flowers blooming. Her life was perfect because she lived in the beautiful garden with Adam her perfect mate. She knew she was blessed. God provided well for her and Adam. They could talk and see God anytime they wanted.

I wonder if Adam is hungry. I'll just go pick some fruit for us. Should we have apples or something else?

What was the serpent doing here? His skin shined in the sun.

"Eve, does God let you eat any fruit you want?" The serpent asked.

"Well yes. We can eat anything we want. The only tree we can't eat from is the The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because God says we shall surely die if we do."

"Oh, God is just holding out on you. He doesn't want you to be as smart as he is. Don't you want to be like God? You'll be wise and know everything. You won't surely die"

Hmm. I wonder why God won't let us eat from that tree. Doesn't he want us to be wise? I'd like to be like God, Eve thought. Then I could be powerful and know everything. I wonder why he's hiding this secret from us.

Eve ate from the tree and there wasn't anything wrong with the apple. I'm going to share the fruit with Adam. Then we will both be wise like God.

"Adam, look what I have. The serpent says these apples will make us like God. Here take a bite." Adam wanted to please Eve and the apple did look good. As he bit into the apple he could taste the sweet juicy fruit. It was good.

"Eve, we disobeyed God. Do you feel any wiser? I just feel guilty. We'd better cover ourselves. We don't want God to see us like this."

They both hurriedly covered themselves with leaves and hid. What was God going to say? Oh why did they eat the fruit?

Adam heard God in the Garden. What was he going to say to him? God said they would surely die if they ate the fruit. What is he going to say to us or worse yet, what was he going to do to us?

"Adam, why did you cover your body?" God said."Did you eat from the tree that I told you not to eat from?"

"Eve gave me the apple." Adam explained.

"Eve why did you do this?"

"The serpent tricked me into eating it."

Both Adam and Eve blamed their disobedience on someone else. What if Adam had said I'm sorry Lord, instead of blaming it on Eve? What if Eve had said the same instead of blaming it on the serpent? Would God have just forgiven them?

Somehow I doubt that it would have been the end of it. Eventually they would have sinned again and again. It is man's nature to want what isn't good for them.

Eve let the Serpent (Satan in disguise) tempt her into wanting more than she already had. Eve had everything already, but she still wanted more. Have you ever wanted more when you already had what you needed? I think everyone has done this at one time or another. Most of us have purchased silly things and then regretted it later or we've wanted a position of power that we would have been better off without.

Adam let Eve tempt him and instead of thinking about God, he thought about Eve. Have you ever had a mate that led you away from God? You wanted this person so badly that you didn't care.

Adam and Eve blaming others for their sin reminds me of my kids when they were growing up. Rather than take their own blame, they would point out what the other one did. Sometimes we adults do the same thing, but instead of blaming someone else we make excuses for ourselves. When we've messed things up we need to just admit to ourselves and to God that we've went wrong.

Something else to wonder about is why Eve wasn't frightened when the serpent talked to her. None of the other animals were able to talk. Think about if you were out in your backyard and suddenly you came upon a snake and he talked. I'd be terrified and run as away as fast as I could. It must have been his beauty that mesmerized her.

Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. Now man would work hard for a living and women would suffer in childbirth. Both Adam and Eve were now spiritually dead and their bodies would wear out and they would die.

Was it Adam's fault or Eve's? It doesn't really make a difference. "Each of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God." It is just as much our fault that life is as it is.

In Genesis 3:15, God promised a Savior. Each of us needs to be saved from our sins and not one of us would have done any better than Adam and Eve did. God in his love for us offered a Savior and all we need to do is accept him and repent of our sins to see Heaven.


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